Welcome to Liberating Agile!


My name is Jan-Willem Rutten. Since 2009 I have been on a journey of discovery in the world of Agile and change management. I love to help teams and organizations to find their way in this fast-changing world. My drive lies in continuously improving performance and bringing people together to jointly tackle challenges and shape improvements.


I do this through

  • consultancy in the role of Scrum Master and Agile Coach
  • developing and providing training courses
  • designing and facilitating workshops, group sessions and customized training courses

I get a lot of energy from designing and facilitating workshops, group sessions and training courses that exactly meet the needs of a specific target group, in its specific composition and context. I do this in co-creation with the organizer and/or participants and I am more than happy to facilitate upon request. Love it!

If you have any questions, requests or feedback, feel free to contact op te nemen!